Edward Snowden: Bitcoin Won’t LAST

Edward Snowden: Bitcoin Won’t LAST

The crypto-coins are today a reality and each one is increasingly present in our daily life. They are not yet spread as many intended but day by day they are simply gaining more space with each passing moment.
Edward Snowden, an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency employee, and former contractor for the United States government and he is also one of the most important elements of recent Internet history, recently has stated something about these virtual coins and his ideas are very clear just like his words.
The well-known cryptocurrency, of course, Bitcoin won’t last, but crypto is here to stay. Everyone knows very well that about the well-known American computer professional, of course, I am talking about none other than Edward Snowden and his decisions that he made to show the world what actions agencies like the NSA or others take to control and access information for all citizens.
